This section provides questions and answers on a variety of topics regarding schedule management, schedules, and schedule settings. Be sure to also review the Schedule Management manual pages, as questions answered there are not duplicated here.
Clients aren't receiving appointment confirmation and reminder messages.
WCONLINE will always send copies of appointment confirmation and reminder messages if set to do so. To figure out why clients aren't receiving messages, you’ll need to check a couple of things.
If the messages aren’t there and if these other suggestions don’t resolve the issue, you’ll need to reach out to your IT department and ask them to whitelist our mail servers, since the only other option is that the emails are being blocked as spam. For more information, review our larger FAQ on emails not being received.
I created a new schedule (or duplicated an old schedule) and nothing shows up when I view the schedule itself.
Creating a new schedule or duplicating an old schedule is only the first step in setting up a new schedule for a new scheduling period. After setting up the schedule, you'll then need to add staff and resources to that new schedule via Staff and Resource Management. Then, you'll use Starting Availability Management to add your staff and resources' hours to that new schedule. For more information, see our detailed instructions on setting up a new schedule.
My schedule is completely blank even though I've added resources and hours.
If your schedule is completely blank, then you'll need to check several things to figure out why.
Administrators can see the schedule, but the schedule looks blank to students.
Most likely, this means that you've set LIMIT DAYS SHOWN and STARTING DATE in Schedule Management in a way that doesn't provide any days for clients or non-administrators to see. Administrators can always see every day, so they're not impacted by this.
For example, assume that today is February 1 and your schedule is set to start on March 1. If you set LIMIT DAYS SHOWN to allow clients to only book 7 days ahead, then they won't see any days on your schedule until February 22--when March 1 will show up as available.
SECTION 1: Schedule Management Overview
SECTION 2: Add or Edit: Introductory Settings
SECTION 3: Add or Edit: Schedule Options
SECTION 4: Add or Edit: Client Scheduling Limits
SECTION 5: Add or Edit: Schedule-Related Emails
SECTION 6: Add or Edit: A/B Repeating Schedule Setup
SECTION 7: Manage Holidays and Closures
SECTION 8: Mass Modality Update
SECTION 9: FAQ (Email Delivery, Blank Schedules, Setup, and More)